The Library is OPEN while construction is happening on Elizabeth Lake Road! 
See updates from the Oakland County Road Commission here.

Inspiration through Information
Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 8 pm
Friday and Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm
Closed Sunday
White Lake Township Library

White Lake Township Library
Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 8 pm
Friday and Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm
Closed Sunday


Prepared by Library Strategies 9.2023


The White Lake Township Library board began development of an updated strategic plan to align library planning with community priorities in 2022, appointing a board committee to work with our library director to guide this process. In February 2023, the library contracted Library Strategies to conduct a strategic planning process. Together with Library Strategies and a volunteer Strategic Plan Steering Committee, we developed a multi-pronged approach to assess the current state of the Library and gather community and stakeholder input on its future. 

The primary processes conducted in the community engagement phase included: 

•    An online community survey, which garnered a strong response rate with 505 total participants
•    A staff survey
•    A series of interviews with local leaders and community members
•    A board session and community focus groups on June 15-17, 2023

Summaries, reports, or notes on all these processes were provided to staff leadership. Following the input/gathering steps, the consultants drafted an initial strategic plan. The plan underwent numerous revisions following input with staff leadership, the strategic planning committee, and the Library Board. Ultimately, the Library Board reviewed and approved this plan, which outlines the major goals, directions, and strategies for the White Lake Township Library’s next three-five years. 

Presented here are the high-level goals and strategies of the new plan.


Inspiration through Information

The White Lake Township Library is committed to providing informational, educational, cultural and recreational resources in a welcoming environment that offer the opportunity for the community to gather and grow, leading to enrichment, enjoyment, knowledge, and lifelong learning.

                         White Lake Township Library Board of Trustees                   Strategic Plan Steering Committee

Jennifer Schulz, President* Eric Shotwell, Trustee   Catherine Donovan Liz Smith
Richard McGlew, Vice President* Karen Wyns, Trustee*         Carie Francis Denise Stefanick
Gwendolyn Newton, Treasurer     Dustin Kingen Carol Tamasiunas
Jake Dudek, Secretary     Beth Lanthier Laura Vogel
      Beth Pierzecki Taylor Wilhelm
      April Stevenson, Director*  
* Members of strategic plan committee


GOAL 1: Become a community hub for learning, culture, and personal connection.

•    Strategy 1: Increase the variety and scheduling of programs for all ages.
•    Strategy 2: Utilize outreach events and outdoor spaces to maximize library exposure and community engagement.
•    Strategy 3: Foster a culture of partnerships and community connections.
•    Strategy 4: Expand community access to building and materials.

GOAL 2: Strengthen the impact of staff, board, and ambassadors in the community.

•    Strategy 1: Increase staff hours as needed to meet strategic plan goals.
•    Strategy 2: Support an active and visible board.
•    Strategy 3: Develop additional volunteer opportunities for the Library and Friends, including a visible Library “Ambassadors” team.

GOAL 3: Broaden the firm financial foundation of the Library.

•    Strategy 1: Explore options to increase funding for the Library and Friends.
•    Strategy 2: Develop a long-range capital plan to prepare for needed upgrades, maintenance, and repair of the facility.

GOAL 4: Expand awareness of the Library and its value to the community.

•    Strategy 1: Improve the digital user experience and connections.
•    Strategy 2: Identify underutilized library services and prospective target groups for effective marketing strategies.
•    Strategy 3: Improve and increase brand awareness. Evaluate, update, and potentially extend this strategic plan for additional years.

You can download a printable copy of the 2024-2026 Strategic Plan here.